Teaching Canada |
Classroom - General |
Useful sites for classroom activities There are various Internet sites available that can be used either in introductory lessons on Canada, but also as illustrative background information or as activities for students who have access to the Internet at home. Other sites are more specified and are mainly helpful in the respective subjects, for example, lesson plans, research tools, suggestions for literature and didactic materials, book reviews etc.

I love Canada, (c) Martina Seifert
About Canada The Canadian government offers introductory, summarizing and overall information to all kinds of aspects concerning Canadiana society, geography, history, economy etc. plus further links. About Canada
Exploring Canada This Internet site, provided by the Canadian embassy in Berlin offers a variety of games and means to learn about Canadian matters and issues, but also about Geography.. it is in German and therefore rather a tool to be used in the German classroom, Canada Explorer
Canada's Schoolnet This site is the teacher's guide to "PROJECT-BASED COLLABORATIVE LEARNING WITH NETWORKED COMPUTERS". Canada'sSchoolnet
Library and Archives Canada - Learning Centre This site has - among others - the following aim: "Library and Archives Canada's Learning Centre brings together a wealth of educational resources for students and teachers, including comprehensive teaching units and strategies, lesson plans, quizzes and games etc.. It is is meant for teachers and students alike It is available in English: Library and Archives - Canada and in French: Library and Archives - Canada
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