Canada's school net This site informs about the Eureka Project, connecting, e.g., Québec and Brussels RescolCanadien
Official site of the government of Québec This site is the main portal of the goevrnment of Québec. Le Québec en un clin d'oeil
Québec in the German-speaking countries This is the official site of the representatives of the government of Québec for Germany. It is available in German and French and offers among others information on cultural activities, plus links etc. Québec-Munich
Encyclopédie de Québec This list of links, collected by the University of Dresden/Germany, guides to various information on the Québec school system etc. Encyclopédie
More Information on Québec! Website with information for teachers, pupils and students of French as a Second Language. www.Québec-info.de

Le Chateau Frontenac (c) Tourism Office Düsseldorf