Buttjes, D., (ed.) 1986, Panorama, English Cultures around the World: Landeskundliches Oberstufenlesebuch, Dortmund: Lensing. One section is called "Canada - Survival or Surrender" and presents non-fictional texts that deal with the following topics: Exploitation in the North, Ethnic Mosaic and Social Class, Regional Conflict and National Identity. (Teacher Manual) Goodwright, C. / Olearski J., (eds.) 1998, In the English-Speaking World, Berlin: Cornelsen. This textbook contains a section called: Canada - Cultural Mosaic and also an excerpt from a short story by Margaret Atwood published in her short story anthology Wilderness Tips. (Teacher Manual) Gast, E., (ed.) 1997, Summit, Grundkurs/Leistungskurs Englisch, Paderborn: Verlag Schöningh,. One section is called: "O Canada! A nation in Search of its Identity“ and presents non-fictional texts and poems. (Teacher Manual) Klaus, P., (ed.) 1993, Canadian Mosaic - Mosaique Canadienne, Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag, (Teacher Manual). Mason, R. B., (ed.) 1992, Colourful Canada, Englisch Library, Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag. Maybin, D., (ed.) 1994, Canada, München: Langenscheidt-Longman Oser, K. (ed.) 1989, Perspectives 9: CANADA, Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, (Teacher Manual) Rae-Brown, J., (ed.) 1993, Canadian Kaleidoscope, Berlin: Cornelsen & Oxford. Rae-Brown, J., 1993, Canada from A to Z, Berlin: Cornelsen & Oxford. Sauvé, M. + Virginia L., 1998, Gateway to Canada, Berlin: Cornelsen & Oxford University Press (OELT) P. Zacher/ K./G. Enlitz, (eds.) Sing a Song: Lieder der Völker Nordamerikas, Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag.
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2004, ENGLISH – betrifft uns, „CANADA“, Heft 1, Bergmoser + Höller. This issue focuses on various aspects of Canadian society and also contains an article, which deals with an excerpt from a novel by Margaret Atwood. 1988, Geo-Spezial: Kanada, Nr.6., Hamburg: Verlag Gruner + Jahr, 1996, Geo-Spezial: Kanada, Nr. 1/Februar, Hamburg: Gruner + Jahr. Hebestreit,C., 1987, Classroom Materials, in: H.-J. Diller/ St. Kohl/ J. Kornelius/ E. Otto/ G. Stratmann (eds.), Literature in English: New Territories, Anglistik und Englischunterricht, Bd.33, Heidelberg: Carl Winter Verlag, pp.169f. Lonsdale, S., 1993, Pictures of Canada, 26 Dias und Lehrerheft, Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag. Ohm, M., 19956, Lernen, studieren, arbeiten in USA und Kanada, Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor Otten, E. et.al., 1993, "Trans Canada: Eine Sendereihe für den Englischunterricht ab 9.Klasse und für den bilingualen Unterricht in den Fächern Erdkunde und Politik", in: Praxis Schulfernsehen, 202, Köln: vgs verlagsgesellschaft, pp.70 - 84, Kapitel V was published in: PSF 203. Müller,K.-P./ Hebestreit, C., 1987, Background Information on some of the New Territories, in: H.-J. Diller/ St. Kohl/ J. Kornelius/ E. Otto/ G. Stratmann (eds.), Literature in English: New Territories, Anglistik und Englischunterricht, Bd.33, Heidelberg:Carl Winter Verlag, pp.147-151. Geschichte mit Pfiff, 11/87, "Kanada", Nürnberg: Johann Michael Sailer Verlag, Äußerer-Läufer-Platz 22, 8500 Nürnberg.
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Alfes, L., 1993, "Nootka - ein Indianerproblem", in: Englisch, Heft 1, Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag, pp.10-18. Bremicker, M., 2004, „Blame Canada. Recent Trends in Canadian Society”, in: ENGLISH - betrifft uns, CANADA, Bergmoser+Höller, Heft 1, pp. 28-32, This article suggest a teaching approach on how to introduce students to present developments and views in Canadian society. (from grade 11 on) Davenport, P., 2004, „Dream City”, in: ENGLISH - betrifft uns, Bergmoser+Höller, Heft 2, pp. 9-14, This article introduces the city of Montreal to students of grade 9 onwards and tries to call upon their imagination. Davenport, P., 2004, „All you ever wanted to know about Canada, but were too afraid to ask”, in: ENGLISH - betrifft uns, CANADA, Bergmoser+Höller, Heft 1, pp. 1-6, This article wants that students are informed about Canada and are confronted with the image of Germany as seen through Canadian eyes. (can be used from grade 9 on) David, D., 1997, " Die Eroberung Kanadas. Die Hudson’s Bay Company: Das Imperium der Abenteurer“, in: Damals, Stuttgart: DVA, 9/1997, pp.74-79. Dennehy, Valerie M., 1989, "Native Education in Canada - A short historical survey prompted by an article in IMAGES, Heft 89", in: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht, Jahrg. 36, Heft 95, pp.36-37. Düvel, D.-H./von der Grün, J., 2004, „Vancouver – an Ideal for the Winter Olympics 2010?”, in: ENGLISH - betrifft uns, CANADA, Bergmoser+Höller, Heft 1, pp. 33-36, This article suggest a teaching approach on how to introduce students to Vancouver, mainly focussing on the fact that it will host the Winter Olympics in 2010. (from grade 11 on) Eisermann, B., 2002, "The land of the maple Leaf – Stationenlernen Canada", in: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht, Jahrg. 36, Heft 57/58, pp.26-31. (grades 9/10) Erdmenger, M., 1997, "Canada - People, Places history“, in: Zielsprache Englisch, Heft 3/97,Brennpunkt Landeskunde, pp.24-29. This article is referring to adult education. Erdmenger, M., 1994 “Video: Facilitating the foreign language learner's task”, in: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht. Englisch. 28, H. 4. pp. 4-12 Fraser, J. E., 1992, "Kingston, Canada: History in a Skyline", in: English, Heft 2, Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag, pp. 61 f. Glathe, U., 2004, „Vom virtuellen zum realen Schüleraustausch”, in: Unterricht Englisch, Friederich-Verlag, Heft 70, pp. 22-26, This article describe the many steps of a school exchange between a school in Leipzig and a school in Kitchener Ontario, Canada from the first email up to the first meeting. Jung, Udo O.H., 1994 “Video: Facilitating the foreign language learner's task”, in: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht. Englisch. 28, H. 4. pp. 4-12 Lenz, K., 1996, "Multikulturalismus in Kanada“, in: Geographische Rundschau, Braunschweig: Westermann, April 4/1996, pp. 240-246 Markmann, S., 1992, Kulturelles Lernen im Englischunterricht, Frankfurt a.M.. Nadolny, A., 2004, „Two of the toughest Sled Dog Races in the World: the Iditarod Sled Dog Race and the Yukon Quest”, in: ENGLISH - betrifft uns, CANADA, Bergmoser+Höller, Heft 1, pp. 7-11, This article tries to generate interest in the two sled dog races and everything that is connected with it. (from grade 10 on) Pache, W., 1981, "Wo liegt Kanada? Hinweise auf ein unbekanntes Land", in: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht, Mai, pp.84-94. This article is an introduction to culture society, geography etc. of Canada plus reading suggestions. Rau, A., 1990, "Images of Canada: Ein Kommentar zum beiliegenden Schülerheft", in: Dialoge 1, BRDDR-Das Lehrermagazin, Seelze: Friedrich Verlag, pp 47-48; auch: 1988,- Images, in: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht, Heft 89 /Kanada. Rau, A., 1999, "’Surfing’ the Canadian North", in: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht, Jg 33, Heft 42, pp.46-47 (Internet sites on Canada) Ross, I., 1986, "'Canadian Studies Seminar' in Toronto: Bericht", in: Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht, Heft 78, pp.152f. Information can be obtained from Sekretariat der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 5300 Bonn 1, Postfach 2240. Schäfer, R., 1992, "Life below zero - The Inuit in Canada“, in: close-up, Das Magazin für den Englischunterricht, Stuttgart: Klett, Herbst 1992, Gym, Nr.8, pp.4/5. Stadel, Ch. / Lehr, J.C., 1996, "Gruppensiedlungen der Mennoniten und Ukrainer in der kanadischen Prärie“, in: Geographische Rundschau, Braunschweig: Westermann, April 4/1996, pp. 247-255 Striegler, M., 2004, „A Way of Life Collapses for Canada’s Inuit”, in: ENGLISH - betrifft uns, CANADA, Bergmoser+Höller, Heft 1, pp. 37-40, This article suggest a written exam, dealing with one aspect of the situation of the Inuit in Canada. (grades 12/13) Teepe, H., 2004, „Saving Canada’s Great Bear Rainforest. Focus on Environmental Issues”, in: ENGLISH - betrifft uns, CANADA, Bergmoser+Höller, Heft 1, pp. 12-17, This article suggest a teaching approach on how to introduce students to environmental issues taking into account biology, politics and geography. (from grade 12 on) 3/1997, Spotlight, „The Faces of Canada, A 30-page Special, Gräfeling / München: Spotlight Verlag, pp. 12-40.
The anthologies Rau,Glimpses of Canada, Düsterhaus/ Franzbecker, Canada, Regions and Literature mainly focus on literary texts, but also contain background information on Canada’s culture, society and geography. Oser, Canada, mainly focuses on Canadian culture society and geography.